Fluidity - All players standing in Conductive Water receive Fluidity, granting 40% increased healing and inflict 40% increased damage. However, all players standing in Conductive Water also take 100% increased Nature damage.
Conductive Waterの上に立つとFluidityを得る。FluidityはHealing40%up Damage40%upのBuff、しかしConductive Waterの上に立つと、受けるNature Damageが100%upする
ちなみにConductive Waterは時間と共に広がる
- Conduction - Many of Jin'rokh the Breaker's abilities travel through Conductive Water, inflicting Nature damage to all players in that Conductive Water
幾つかのBoss AbilityはConductive Waterを通じてダメージを与えてくる
- Electrified Waters - Jin'rokh the Breaker infuses the Conductive Water with storm energies, removing Fluidity and inflicting 45,500 Nature damage every second to all players remaining in the Conductive Water. All players standing in Conductive Water still take 100% increased Nature damage.
Conductive WaterにStrom エネルギーを注入しElectrified Waterに変える、この中ではFluidityの打ち消すと共に、全てのPlayerに45,500 Nature Damageを毎秒与えてくる。さらにConductive WaterにたっているとNature Damageは100%upする
Static Burst - Jin'rokh the Breaker performs a quick strike, dealing 130,000 Nature damage to all players. After 3 sec., this applies Static Wound to his current target.
130,000 Nature Damage、さらに 3秒後、追加効果としてStatic Woundの効果を与える
Static Wound - Jin'rokh the Breaker statically constricts the target, inflicting 19,500 Nature damage per stack to all players when taking melee attacks. This effect stacks, but reduces in potency over time.
Melee attackを受けるたびに19,500(nature)の追加ダメージを与える。さらにMelee attackを受ける度にStackしていく。ちなみにStatic Woundの効果は時間と共に軽減される。
Focused Lightning - Jin'rokh the Breaker creates an orb of Focused Lightning, which fixates on a player. The Focused Lightning detonates upon reaching that player, inflicting 195,000 Nature damage to all players within 8 yards. This orb also pulses 52,000 Nature damage every half second to other players within 5 yards.
Focused Lightningを作りだし、Focused LightningはFixateしてPlayerを追尾する。Focus LightningがPlayerに到達すると爆発し、8yard以内のすぺてのPlayerに対して195,000 Nature damageを与える。このOrb(爆発するとOrbになる?要確認)から5yard以内のPlayerに対して0.5secごとに52,000 Nature Damageを発生させるようになる。
- Conduction - Focused Lightning Detonation damage travels through Conductive Water, inflicting 195,000 Nature damage to players standing in Conductive Water.
Focus LightningをConductive Water内で爆発させると、Conductive Water内すべてのPlayerに195,000 Nature Damageがくる
- Lightning Fissure - If the Focused Lightning detonates outside of Conductive Water, a Lightning Fissure forms. This field of unstable energy inflicts 75,000 Nature damage every 1 second to players within 5 yards.
もし、Focused LightningをConductive Waterの外で爆発させた場合、Lightning Fissureに変形し、5yard以内のPlayerに対して毎秒75,000 Nature Damageを発生されるようになる
- Conduction - A Lightning Fissure contacts a Conductive Water, removing the Lightning Fissure and inflicting 41,250 Nature damage to players standing in that Conductive Water.
Lightning FissureはConductive Waterに触れるとかき消される。そして、Lightning FissureがConductive Waterに触れた際に41,250のNature DamageをConductive Water内のPlayerに与えてくる。
Implosion - Couldn't parse description.
Lightning FissureがFocus Lightningに触れるとインプロージョンを引き起こし、Raid全体へ、大ダメージ(Nature)を発生させる
Violent Detonation - The Focused Lightning detonates violently inside Electrified Water, inflicting 750,000 Nature damage to all players within 8 yards.
Focus LightningをElectrified Waterの中で爆発させると、750,000 Nature Damageを8yard以内の全てのPlayerに発生させる。
Thundering Throw - Jin'rokh the Breaker throws his current target at a distant Mogu statue, breaking the statue and inflicting 206,250 Physical damage. Additionally inflicts 260,000 Nature damage to other players within 14 yards of the point of impact, stunning them for 9 sec. Conductive Water erupts from the broken statue, forming a pool on the ground.
Lightning Storm - Jin'rokh the Breaker commands a fierce Lightning Storm, inflicting 91,000 Nature damage to all players every second for 15 sec. Furthermore, the Lightning Storm electrifies Conductive Water.
- Lightning Strike - Lightning Strikes multiple locations throughout the room during Lightning Storm, inflicting 250,000 Nature damage to nearby players. Each Lightning Strike diffuses, inflicting 150,000 Nature damage to all players in a line.
Ionization - Jin'rokh the Breaker ionizes enemy players, attracting storm energies over 24 sec. Inflicts 500,000 Nature damage to players within 8 yards when dispelled or duration expires.
Conduction - Ionization damage travels through Conductive Water, inflicting 500,000 Nature damage to players standing in Conductive Water.