01. Standard Build w/ AoW Creep
-3 Wisps on Gold
-Build two Wisps
-Moon Well
-4th Wisp to build AoW
-Build 6th Wisp, two wisps to gold
-Build lumber wisps, until about seven
-Build Archer from AoW before Hero comes out
-AoW Creep
-Build 2nd Moon Well before AoW re-roots
-Go from there!
02. Standard build without AoW Creep
-3 Wisps on Gold
-Build two Wisps
-Moon Well
-4th Wisp to build AoW
-Build 6th Wisp, two wisps to gold
-Build lumber wisps, until about seven
-Build Archers
-Build 2nd Moon Well before you would produce 2nd Archer
-Go from there!
03. Tavern Build
-3 Wisps on gold
-4th Wisp to lumber
-Build Moon Well
-Build 5th Wisp to make AoW
-Build 4th and 5th gold Wisps
-Build Lumber Wisps
-After 1st Moon Well is complete build Altar
-Build Moon Well ASAP
-Build Archers with AoW (Don't forget!)
-Build Tavern Hero
-Go! Go! Go!
04. Huntress Build
-3 Wisps on Gold
-1 Wisp to Lumber
-Build Altar
-Build 2 more Wisps
-Build Moon Well
-Build Lumber Wisps (9)
-When at 160 Lumber, Build both Hunter's Hall and AoW
-Build 2nd AoW (optional)
-Build 2nd Moon Well BEFORE 2nd Huntress
-Build 3rd Moon Well
-Tech or mass at leisure
05. Fast Tech Build
-3 Wisps on Gold
-1 Wisp to Lumber
-Build Altar
-Build 2 more Wisps
-Build Moon Well
-Build 4th and 5th Gold Wisp
-Build Lumber Wisps (7-8)
-Build Hunter's Hall
-Build Ancient of Wonders (optional)
-Build Ancient Protector (optional)
私はNE playerでは無いのですが。
昔に拾ったBuild memoを書いておきます。
ちなみに04.Huntress buildが初心者にはオススメ。
腕に自信がある人はAoW creepからGoGO
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