
Dark Arrow

TeD蜘蛛orderで2nd HeroがDark Ranger。
そして、1st SkillがDark Arrowという選択肢。

vs Humでttamさん(rep at LS)が使ってて、これ結構良いんじゃね?とか思ったり。
特にExpo行かれたときとかって、やっぱUnit Powerを速攻でBoostしたいしね。
Black Arrowという選択は悪くない予感。
それにSummon Unitはやっぱお手軽。

Black Arrow (Autocast)
Adds extra damage to attacks. Units killed while under the effect of Black Arrow will turn into Dark Minions.
Level Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect Hero Level Req
1 N/A None 6 60 Unit Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Neutral 2 bonus damage, 215 hit point Lesser Dark Minion 1
2 N/A None 6 60 Unit Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Neutral 10 bonus damage, 290 hit point Dark Minion 3
3 N/A None 6 60 Unit Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Neutral 20 bonus damage, 405 hit point Greater Dark Minion 5

Black Arrow Information
This can allow you to create a skeleton army!

Remember that in order to get the Minion, you need to be attacking the target as it dies. Attacking every enemy on the field and then waiting for them to die will not work.

Black Arrow allows you to get better Skeletons than Undead players with Necromancers! =)

Black Arrow is very good for Creeping. What you do is attack a Creep Camp to build up some Skeletons. Then use those Skeletons to attack the next Creep Camp. Then continue on with Creep Camps until you have a large army of Skeletons!

Black Arrow works very well with ranged units. If you can quickly pick off a bunch of enemy units while under the Black Arrow effect you can build up a large group of Skeletons

ぶちゃけwest Ladderぐらいなら普通の蜘蛛でコレやっとけば良いんじゃない?とか思う。

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