
Wlk 3.3 Dps Rotation Nevermelting Ice Crystal仕様版


正式名称は[Nevermelting Ice Crystal]で落ちる場所がHeroic PoSのラストBossと結構入手しやすいのが良い点。
次に[Potion of Wild Magic]
そして、[Potion of Wild Magic]と[Nevermelting Ice Crystal]をローテーションに組み込む事になる

Life tap

[Potion of Wild Magic] (戦闘前)

Shadow Bolt (Shadow Embrace一つ目)

Haunt (Shadow Embrace二つ目)

CoA or UA

[Nevermelting Ice Crystal]を使う


CoA or UA


BiS(Best in Slot)としては正直[Nevermelting Ice Crystal]については疑問視する声もある。


Blood Prince Council

②三人のBossのうちTaldaramとValanarに対してはMelee Tankが担当。KelesethにはRange Class(Wlk)が担当するのが良いだろう。
④3人のPrinceはHealth Poolを共有しているが、3人のうち攻撃できるのはInvocation of Bloodを持っているPrinceのみである。
⑤この戦闘では多くのAbilityが登場するので、動きは臨機応変に対応していく必要がある。まず、位置取りとして、Range Classは15yardの間隔を取らなければならない。これはConjure FlameとShock Vortexに備えるものだ。

⑥この戦闘では迅速なTarget変更とBoss Abilityへの対処が必要になるだろう

Boss Ability

Invocation of Blood (Bossの強化BuffでありDpsはTarget対象)
Divine Aegisのような泡をまとう。Invocation of BloodをもっていないPrinceのHPは1になる。PlayerはInvocation of Bloodを持ったPrinceのみ攻撃する事が可能。
Invocation of Bloodはランダムに移り変わる。

①Dark Nucleus
Dark Nucleuを召還。Dark Nucleus?Shadow Resonance?はShadowに共鳴し、近くにいるPlayerに1000ダメージを与え続けるがその代わりに35% Shadow属性 Buffを得る。(3 stack可能)
メモ:Range Tank(wlk推奨)はempowered shadow lanceに備えて3つのDark Nucleus?Shadow Resonance?をくっつけておかなくてはならない。Nark Nucleusは78秒後に壊れる。

②Shadow Lance
1.5sec cast. 30yd range 18038 ~ 18962 Shadow damage.
メモ:2 StackぐらいのShadow Resonanceが欲しい。Shadow Resonanceが無い場合はdeffence skillを使って耐えてね

③EMPOWERED Shadow Lance(強化版)
1.5sec cast. 30yd range
Shadow Resonanceを3stackしてないと即死

①Glittering Sparks
Instant Cast. 90yd range.
コーン状の攻撃、14820のFire damageを8秒かけて与える。そして移動speed20%減少

②Conjure Flame
3sec cast. 10sec CD.ランダムターゲット
TargetとTargetの周り(15yard)のunitに対して10,000 fire damage

③EMPOWERED Conjured Flame (強化版
3sec cast. 10sec CD

Conjured Flame Mechanic

①Kinetic Bomb
1.5sec Cast.
Kinetic Bombを召還し、Kinetic Bomb(オレンジボール)が地面に落ちら爆発。9900 to 12100 Physical damageとノックバック効果(範囲50yard) (raid全体?)

②Shock Vortex
1.5sec. 30sec duration.
近くのTargetに対してグルグル回る渦を作り、7,000 physical damageとノックバック効果を与える。(範囲13yard) 30秒の効果時間

③EMPOWERED Shock Vortex (強化版)
4.5sec cast. 30yd range. No duration.

オレンジボールから逃げろ オレンジボールはRange Classで攻撃してお手玉
⑤Range classは15yardの間隔を保って散開


オレンジ色が使ってくるGaseous Bloatのダメージ

オレンジビームのダメージ、Raid Report眺めてたけど、やっぱ結構痛い

Base Damage × 10Stack
Base Damega ×   9Stack
Base Damage ×   8Stack

25manだと初弾で14000  13000ほどから2秒毎にダメージ軽減

Gaseous Bloat初弾+緑色のボール+毒沼


mutated plagueのダメージ


<計算式> (25manの場合
DMG = 300 * 2.5 ^ (num_stacks - 1) / 3秒毎
1 Stack   300 
2 Stack   750
3 Stack   1,875
4 Stack   4,687


<計算式> (10manの場合
DMG = 187.5 * 2.5 ^ (num_stacks - 1) / 3秒毎

1 Stack   187
2 Stack   468
3 Stack   1,171
4 Stack   2,929



Professor Putricide Boss Ability

Boss Ability

Phase 2 (Boss HP80%~35%)
①Choking Gas Bomb
P2に入ると使ってくるSkill。Boss自身の周囲にオレンジ色のフラスコを召還。オレンジ色のフラスコの近くにいると、毎秒5363 ~ 5637のダメージ。また、フラスコは20秒後に爆発して周囲に15600 ~ 16400のダメージを与えてくる。そして、爆発を食らうとHit%が75%減少
メモ:MTはBossをkiteさせながらChoking Gas Bombから距離を取る事

②Malleable Goo
Ranged Targetに対して緑のスライム(ボール?)の投げつけてくる。これを食らうと14625 ~ 15375のダメージとAttack Speed or Cast Speedを200%増量。

Phase 3 (Boss HP 35%~0%)
①Mutated Plague
Tankに対して Mutated Plagueと呼ばれるDebuffをつけてくる。


Professor Putricide スライムの処理に関して

Volatile OozeのAbility(緑色のスライム)
①Volatile Ooze AdhesiveとOoze Eruption
まず、Volatile Ooze Adhesiveを使用(3sec cast)しランダムTargetに対してRoot、そしてTargetに近づきながら4388~4612のダメージを毎秒与えてくる。また、Targetに追いつくと Ooze Eruptionを使ってきて、ノックバック効果とTotal 68250 ~ 71750 のダメージを10yard以内のPlayerに対して与えてくる。よって追いつかれた場合はPlayer同士で重なりダメージを分散させなくてはならない。(スライムを殺すまで繰り返し)よってさっさと殺そうぜって事。

Gas Cloudのability(オレンジ色のスライム)
①Gaseous Bloat (3sec cast)
ランダムターゲットに対して使用し1755 ~ 1845のダメージを2秒毎で与えてくる。
また、Gaseous Bloatは同時に10stack分のDebuffをTargetに対して与え、Debuffがついた状態でGas Cloudに追いつかれるとExpunge Gasを使ってくる。
②Expunge Gas
Raid全体に対してダメージを与えるskill?。Gaseous BloatのBebuffの数に比例してダメージが増加する点に注意
メモ:Gaseous BloatをかけられてTargetされたPlayerはDebuff効果がきれるまでKiteしなくてはならない。



Mutated Abominationについて(OTの役割の人がAbominationに変身する?)
Mutated Abominationの能力
①Eat Ooze
Slime Puddle(緑の水溜り)を飲んでOoze Energyを得るAbility。ちなみにSlime Puddleはランダムターゲットで使ってくるBossのAbility
②Regurgitate Ooze
Targetに対して50% slow効果とDoTダメージ。スライムに対して使用しPlayerのKiteの手助け&スライム破壊
③Mutated Slash
100% Weapon DamageとArmorを4%下げるDebuff(Debuffは5個重なる)


wlk用のaddonとか Affli編



Power Auras Classic




画面のどこに目をやっていても、Skill Upが分かるように、色々入れてる感じです。

それと、Affli wlkのDps Guide


Holy Priest Gear List 3.3


  1. 858 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Hood
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 840 – Corp’rethar Ceremonial Crown
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 810 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Cowl
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  4. 769 Corp’rethar Ceremonial Crown
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 25
  5. 769Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Hood
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  6. 755 Thaumaturge’s Crackling Cowl
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  7. 731 – Zabra’s/Velen’s Cowl of Triumph
    Regalia of Triumph – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  8. 727 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Cowl
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  9. 708 Cowl of Malefic Repose
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  10. 694 Thaumaturge’s Crackling Cowl
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10


  1. 441 – Bone Sentinel’s Amulet
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 418 Blood Queen’s Crimson Choker
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 409 – Holiday’s Grace
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  4. 403 – Bone Sentinel’s Amulet
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25
  5. 382 – Soulcleave Pendant
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  6. 372 – Amulet of the Silent Eulogy
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  7. 370 Blood Queen’s Crimson Choker
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 25
  8. 360 – Choker of Filthy Diamonds
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  9. 358 – Wail/Cry of the Val’kyr
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  10. 356 – Holiday’s Grace
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25


  1. 602 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 563 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Mantle
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 547 – Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads
    Trash – Icecrown Citadel 25
  4. 537 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  5. 534 – Bloodstained Surgeon’s Shoulderguards
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  6. 520 – Shoulders of Mercy Killing
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  7. 507 – Zabra/Velen’s Shoulderpads of Triumph
    Regalia of Triumph – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  8. 507 – Zabra/Velen’s Mantle of Triumph
    Regalia of Triumph – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 502 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Mantle
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  10. 489 – Bloodstained Surgeon’s Shoulderguards
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 10


  1. 451 – Greatcloak of the Turned Champion
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 444 – Bolvar’s Devotion/Lady Liadrin’s Conviction
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  3. 424 – Aethas’ Intensity/Jaina’s Radiance
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  4. 418 Frostbinder’s Shredded Cape
    Valithria Dreamwalker – - Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  5. 407 – Volde’s Cloak of the Night Sky
    50 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  6. 403 – Greatcloak of the Turned Champion
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 25
  7. 393 – Shawl of the Devout/Fervert Crusader
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 10 heroic
  8. 380 – Shawl/Drape of Refreshing Winds
    Northrend Beasts – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 377 – Drape of the Violet Tower
    50 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  10. 376 – Drape of the Sunreavers/Drape of Bitter Incantation
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 10 heroic


  1. 827 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Robe
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 781 – Sanguine Silk Robes
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 777 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Raiments
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  4. 747Ermine Coronation Robes
    95 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  5. 738 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Robe
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  6. 707 – Meteor Chaser’s Raiment
    95 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  7. 701 Flowing Robes/Vestment of Ascent
    Northrend Beasts – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  8. 700 – Zabra/Velen’s Robe of Triumph
    Regalia of Triumph – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 694 – Sanguine Silk Robes
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25
  10. 688 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Raiments
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic


  1. 449 – Death Surgeon’s Sleeves
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 398 – Bracers of Dark Blessings
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  3. 389 – Death Surgeon’s Sleeves
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 25
  4. 382 – Armbands/Bindings of the Ashen Saint
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  5. 354 – The Lady’s Brittle Bracers
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25
  6. 352 – Ether-Soaked Bracers
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  7. 347 – Royal Moonshroud Bracers
  8. 332 – Bindings of Dark Essence/Dark Essence Bindings
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 329 – Grasps of Reason
    XT-002 Deconstructor – Ulduar 25 hard mode
  10. 325 – Bejeweled Wizard’s Bracers


  1. 593 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 584 – San’layn Ritualist Gloves
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 547 – Gloves of Ambivalence
    60 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  4. 530 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  5. 527 – Gloves of Broken Fingers
    Rotface – - Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  6. 520 – San’layn Ritualist Gloves
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25
  7. 520 Gunship Captain’s Mittens
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  8. 515 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  9. 514 – Gloves of False Gestures
    60 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  10. 500 – Handwraps/Gloves of the Lifeless Touch
    Anub’arak – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic


  1. 612 – Lingering Illness
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. >574 – Crushing Coldwraith Belt
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 548 – Circle of Ossus
    60 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  4. 537 – Lingering Illness
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25
  5. 528 – Crushing Coldwraith Belt
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25
  6. 526 – Belt/Cord of Tenebrous Mist
    Northrend Beasts – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  7. 516 – Cord of the Patronizing Practitioner
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  8. 512 – Cauterized Cord
    Professor Putricide – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  9. 491 – Belt of Omission
    60 Emblems of Frost – Scott the Merciful, Priest armour vendor
  10. 473 – Cord of the Patronizing Practitioner
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25


  1. 804 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 755 – Lightweave Leggings
  3. 717 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings
    Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25/10 heroic
  4. 712 – Leggings of the Refracted Mind
    Valithria Dreamwalker – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  5. 707 – Leggings of Woven Death
  6. 704 – Leggings/Pants of the Soothing Touch
    Jaraxxus – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  7. 702 – Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants
    Heroic Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  8. 688 – Zabra/Velen’s Leggings of Triumph
    Regalia of Triumph – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 662 – Plaguebringer’s Stained Pants
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  10. 642 – Kilt of Untreated Wounds
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic


  1. 574 – Plague Scientist’s Boots
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 551 – Sandals/Boots of the Mourning Widow
    Faction Champions – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  3. 547 – Sandals of Consecration
  4. 530 – Pale Corpse Boots
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  5. 504 – Plague Scientist’s Boots
    Festergut – Icecrown Citadel 25
  6. 491 – Deathfrost Boots
  7. 481 – Icecrown Spire Sandals
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  8. 471 – Pale Corpse Boots
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 10
  9. 459 – Boots of Fiery Resolution
    Flame Leviathan – Ulduar 25 hard mode
  10. 456 – Footpads/Boots of the Icy Floe
    Anub’arak- Crusader’s Coloseum 10 heroic


  1. 455 – Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom
    Ashen Verdict Quartermaster
    (The spell power proc for this adds about 41 SP. 82 has been added to this rings score to value this.)
  2. 447 – Ring of Maddening Whispers
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 446Ashen Band of Unmatched Wisdom
    Ashen Verdict Quartermaster
    (The spell power proc for this adds about 41 SP. 82 has been added to this rings score to value this.)
  4. 439 – Memory of Malygos
    Sindragosa – - Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  5. 420 – Ring of Rapid Ascent
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  6. 412 – Incarnadine Band of Mending
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  7. 407 – Ring of Maddening Whispers
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25
  8. 402 – Marrowgar’s Frigid Eye
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  9. 391 – Memory of Malygos
    Sindragosa – - Icecrown Citadel 25
  10. 387 – Loop of the Endless Labyrinth
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic


  1. 2137 – Dying Light
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 1964 – Mag’hari Chieftain’s Staff
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  3. 1868 – Nibelung
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
    (Note GuildOx has the proc valued at 300, which doesn’t apply to healers)
  4. 1843 – Clemency/Sufferance
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  5. 1793 – Sister Svalna’s Aether Staff
    Valithria Dreamwalker – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  6. 1739 – Relentless Gladiator’s Light Staff
    Arena vendor
  7. 1724 – Mag’hari Chieftain’s Staff
    Deathbringer Saurfang – Icecrown Citadel 10
  8. 1704 – Relentless Gladiator’s Skirmish Staff 
    Arena vendor
  9. 1689 – Relentless Gladiator’s Combat Staff
    Arena vendor
  10. 1669 – Nibelung
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 25
    (Note GuildOx has the proc valued at 300, which doesn’t apply to healers)

Main hands

  1. 1889 – Frozen Bonespike
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 1756 – Trauma
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
    (Not enough information is available to evaluate proc correctly so GuildOx value is currently used.)
  3. 1655 – Frozen Bonespike
    Lord Marrowgar – Icecrown Citadel 25
  4. 1652 Lockjaw
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  5. 1622 – Midnight Sun
    Gunship Battle – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  6. 1621 – Bleak Coldarra Carver
    Sindragosa – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  7. 1544 – Relentless Gladiator’s Mageblade
    Arena vendor
  8. 1541 – Suffering’s/Misery’s End
    Tribute Chest – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 1538 – Relentless Gladiator’s Blade of Celerity
    Arena vendor
  10. 1535 – Trauma
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 25

Off hands

  1. 430 – Sundial of Eternal Dusk
    Sindragosa – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 409 – Shadow Silk Spindle
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  3. 381 – Sundial of Eternal Dusk
    Sindragosa – Icecrown Citadel 25
  4. 368 – Chalice of Searing Light/Mystifying Charm
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  5. 363 – Shadow Silk Spindle
    The Blood Princes – Icecrown Citadel 25
  6. 343 – Scourgelord’s Baton
    Lady Deathwhisper – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  7. 326 – Chalice of Searing Light/Mystifying Charm
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 25
  8. 308 – Symbol of Transgression/Talisman of Heedless Sins
    Jaraxxus – Crusader’s Coloseum 25 heroic
  9. 294 – Relentless Gladiator’s Reprieve
    Arena vendor
  10. 289 – Chalice of Benedictus/Lightbane Focus
    Twin Val’kyr – Crusader’s Coloseum 10 heroic


  1. 252 – Nightmare Ender
    Valithria Dreamwalker – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  2. 228 – Lana’thel’s Bloody Nail
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 10 heroic
  3. 220 – Nightmare Ender
    Valithria Dreamwalker – Icecrown Citadel 25
  4. 205 – Corpse-Impaling Spike
    Rotface – Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic
  5. 193 – Lana’thel’s Bloody Nail
    Blood-Queen Lana’thel – Icecrown Citadel 10
  6. 170 – Petrified Ivy Sprig
    Freya – Ulduar 10 hard mode
  7. 169 – Scepter/Rod of Imprisoned Souls
    Northrend Beasts – Crusader’s Coloseum 10 heroic
  8. 161 – Brimstone Igniter
    Emblem of Triumph Vendor
  9. 157 – Scepter of Creation
    Ignis the Furnace Master – Ulduar 25
  10. 155 – Relentless Gladiator’s Touch of Defeat
    Arena vendor


ICC10 Rotface初見雑感

1      tank
1      kiter (Tauntを取りながら、Range攻撃があるClassがBest)
2-3   Healer
5-6   DPS  (HunterのようなClassが思わぬ方向に行ってしまったスライムをコントロールするとよい)
1      Dispel disease

Little Oozeの特徴
②Little Oozeの段階ではThreatはDispel Diseaseされた人からはなれることは無い。よってBig Oozeになるまで離れない
③Little OozeはダメージAuraを持っている。
④Little Oozeが作る小さい水溜りは避けろ

Big Oozeの特徴


まず、little oozeはTaunt無効なのに注意。



後、Big Oozeを破壊する方法は
①Little Oozeを5?6?体融合させて爆発させる
②Big Ooze同士を融合させる

とりあえず、Big Ooze Taunt時はHeal Spam。Full HoT。Skill使用がMustかな。

と・・・ま~全般的にRange Classが肝って感じ・・・

色々みて思ったけど、Range Class不足のMKDにはちょっと辛い感じがするけど・・・
ガンバ!o( ̄へ ̄o)(o ̄へ ̄)oガンバ!!
